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AFIR is one of the best performing institutions in Romania – since 2000 until now, the Agency has made payments of over € 19 billion to farmers, processors, entrepreneurs from rural areas and to local public authorities for the modernization of agriculture and the development of villages in Romania.

The Rural Investments Financing Agency (AFIR) is an institution subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) responsible for the technical and financial implementation of the National Rural Development Program 2014 - 2020 (NRDP 2020).

The Agency carries out its activity according to the provisions of the Government's Emergency Ordinance no. 41 / 2014, regarding the establishment, organization and operation of the Rural Investments Financing Agency through the reorganization of the Payments Agency for Rural Development and Fisheries (PARDF), approved by Law 43 / 2015.

AFIR took over the PARDF patrimony and the duties arising from the function of monitoring the SAPARD Program, as well as technical implementation, payment and monitoring duties for the National Rural Development Program 2007 - 2013. Moreover, AFIR will respect the accreditation criteria throughout the whole period for which he was given the management of the assistance by the decisions of the European Commission.

The Agency continued making payments for the projects contracted through SAPARD, and until December 2013, it monitored all the projects that were financed through this Program to ensure that the beneficiaries comply with the clauses assumed by the financing contract.

AFIR consists of 13 specialized departments at the central level, 8 Regional Centers, and 41 County Offices. The Regional Centers and the County Offices are structured without legal personality.

The main investment directions are related to the natural continuation of the SAPARD Program, NRDP 2007 - 2013, as well as NRDP 2014 - 2020.

In accordance with the other components of the investments, AFIR finances the activities of economic diversification, agritourism, conservation of natural, cultural and architectural heritage, as well as the renovation of villages.

Another priority is the LEADER Axis, which aims to encourage innovation in the agricultural and forestry sector, use natural and cultural resources in a rational way and improve the quality of life in rural areas.


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